University Rover Challenge

The University Rover Challenge (URC) is a prestigious global space engineering robotics competition organised by the Mars society, held annually at Utah, US.

The aim of the challenge is to encourage students to design and develop an all terrain Mars rover capable of autonomous traversal, astronaut assistance, life habitat detection and critical missions tasks.

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Autonomous Task
The Autonomous Task requies the rover to autonomously traverse to posts or between gates across easy and moderately difficult terrain.

The rover detects AR tags present on the poles to detect and adjustes itself inorder to pass through them properly.
In the Science Task the goal is to conduct in-situ analysis, including life-detection testing of samples to determine the absence or presence of life, either extinct or extant, for designated samples present on the site.
In the Equipment Sevicing Task the rovers is required to perform several dexterous operations on a mock-up equipment system. The rover shall have to travel up to 0.25 km across relatively flat terrain to reach the equipment.

The equipment servicing mission will involve delivering a cached science sample to a lander and performing maintenance on the lander.
In the Extreme Retrieval and Delivery Task rovers are required to pick up and deliver objects in the field, and deliver assistance to astronauts, all while traversing a wide variety of terrain.

Objects to be retrieved in the field will consist of small lightweight hand tools, supply containers, or rocks up to 5 kg in mass.
Intertnational Rover Challenge

International Rover Challenge

The International Rover Challenge (IRC) is an annual robotics competition held in Asia- Pacific by the Mars Society South Asia to engage engineering students worldwide in space exploration.

The aim is to build a rover prototype which will be able to perform different tasks in the Martian environment.

International Rover Design Challenge

The International Rover Design Challenge (IRDC) is an online space engineering design and research oriented competition organised by Mars Society South Asia.

The challenge is to conceptualise and design next-gen Mars Rovers, capable of astronaut-assistive exploration operations on Mars.

International Rover Design Challenge